Wednesday, February 22, 2017

John Gerbic

John Gerbic had no issue from what I know

Born December 29, 1987

Rudolph Gerbitz

This is the oldest child of Frank Anton and Emma

Rudolph Gerbitz born April 12, 1895

The story is that when Rudy went to school they asked him how to spell his last name and he spelled it Gerbitz. And that is the way all his descendants have spelled it since.

Frank John Gerbic

Frank John Gerbic born April 10, 1901

Legally changed the birth certificate spelling on March 7, 1947

Anna Antonia Gerbic

Anna Antonia Gerbic born April 29, 1899

She is the only daughter of Frank and Emma

My father (AJG) told me that when he was a child his sister and her husband picked him up in a big car and took him to a birthday party. This must have been Anna as she is the only female child born to Frank. 

Emma Rebeck/Rebcik/Repcik/Reperik Gerbic

We know very little about Emma Rebeck. We have her death certificate that shows very little. Her parents names are not known, and where she is from is unreadable. The informant for her death certificate is her husband Frank

Emma was 33 when she died July 9, 1909 which means she was probably born in 1876.

Birth certificate for her oldest child Rudolph Gerbitz born April 12, 1895. Her name is spelled Reperik

John Gerbic born December 29, 1897

This birth certificate of her daughter Anna Antonia in April 29, 1899 spells Emma's name as Amalie Rejncik. But July 25, 1943 a legal document changed the birth certificate to spell Anna's mother's name as Emma Rebcik (and it is typewritten, so readable)

According to her son Frank John Gerbic's birth certificate we see that March 7, 1947 they officially changed the spelling on the document. This time (also typed) Emma's last name is Repcik.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Anthony John Gerbic "Tony Gerbic" AJG

This is the page for my father Anthony John Gerbic, always called Tony Gerbic. He used AJG and I will also to keep the genealogy from becoming so confusing.

Tony Gerbic early 20's

Frank Anton Gerbic & Emma Rebeck/Rebcik/Repcik/Reperik (First marriage)

I know very little about Emma Rebeck/Rebcik/Repcik/Reperik

Rudolph Gerbitz born April 12, 1895

John Gerbic born December 29, 1897

Daughter Anna Antonia Gerbic born April 29, 1899

Frank John Gerbic born April 10, 1901